Ive played video games ever since i was 5 and I still do till this day so I know what Im talking about when I say I play games and here are ways to improve yours skill trees their should only be passive ones mostly with the occasional ability that is really good, skill point per level a good amount is five per level and also I did not notice any damage diffrent even with the weapons I fought a guy that was three shots on e second shot he had a sliver of health left when I used the first weapon that you get I used the third weapon you ever get on him he still took three shots also on level 3 I encountered a flying bug you should nerd those flying bugs attack speed because when you attack them they dont twitch and when their in huge groups you need to attack the, to damage them and the damage is devastating the only thing that cancels their attack is the horse or special and also one last thing stop making most of your stuff cost diamonds because if been gathering gems and without buying it would be impossible to get all of the final tier stuff instead of diamonds switch with an insane amount of coins that is equal to the amount of diamonds so that players will actually get a challenge I ask that you consider all of these improvements so that this game can be more enjoyable for all of the players of the apocalypse knights community.
81487 about Apocalypse Knights 2.0, v1.0.13